Tyre Deptch Gauge Digital (0-20mm)

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This product is available in different models. Common models are the 28 leaves 4-80 pitch, 30 leaves 4-42 pitch, and 30 leaves 3.5-60
pitch-55 degrees, Whitworth. The narrow-leaf design allows checking both external and internal threads even in small holes not
accessible with wide-leaf type gauges.

Material: CRCA
Range: 4-62 TPI & 0.25 to 6 mm
Least Count: 0.5 & 4 TPI
Standard- EEC-II
Graduations: Size Marked

Model No. Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Type Accuracy (±mm)
3459 118.5 45.2 BASE-6.3 BEAM-3.4 RIGID 0.03
3967 97 45.2 BASE- 6.3 BEAM-3.4 RIGID 0.03